From the President

Club’s News in IALC’s Website
International Bulletin N:o 61 – October 2022, Click here

Oulu Lyceum Club Turns 35 Next Year

The Oulu Lyceum Club was founded in 1988 as the third such club in Finland: the others were the Helsinki Lyceum Club and the Turku Lyceum Club. Of the founding 18 members, four are still active in our organization. In the early years, our sister clubs provided much-needed guidance and collaboration was tight. Wonderful support came from the Helsinki Club’s Carin Kahlson, who served as the president of the IALC 1987–1992.

By the end of the first year, we had 26 members. Now we have 41. In the early years, our work was intense and we created many of the traditions that we still hold dear. We hold Club meetings every month (except in the summer months). Agendas include presentations by members and guest lecturers, excursions to interesting places in our local region, and participation in cultural events. We end the year with the Lucia celebration on 13 December, when we keep to the Swedish-Finnish tradition of celebrating the memory of the Sicilian patron saint of Syracuse, Saint Lucia, over a fine meal. Because we do not have a space of our own, since the beginning we have held our meetings in venues such as hotels and restaurants. Our membership fees are used for, amongst others, organizing events and for the benefit of our own members, but also for grants that our members can use toward participating in international IALC events.

Finland started to relax its Corona restrictions in February. In the time since, we have convened to hear two presentations: the first focused on early childhood education and the role of the parents and the other explored the food history of Finland “from salted beef to sushi”. Both were based on recently released books. In March we visited the Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral in our home city where we heard a presentation on the Orthodox faith and its multiculturalism, with an emphasis on the present crises in the world.

Oulu 24 August 2022

Paula Rossi
President, Oulu Lyceum Club